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Linguistics: British Sign Language 2016

Collaboration with fellow course peers to create an event at The Forum inspired by their book collection in the Millennium Library of Linguistics. We followed the route British Sign Language to create an event that promotes awareness of the deaf community. The day involved a workshop to encourage the public to spell the word linguistics with foam hands in order to perform themselves afterwards as well as an opportunity to explain what we had learnt about sign language through our research. The event provoked many participants to share any of their own stories about sign language and how important it is as a language of communication with the deaf community. 


Majority of my role involved making the interactive foam boards for How, What and Why is BSL, lino printing, scanning and editing, and the designs for the posters and postcards.


Linguistics: British Sign Language (2016) lino printed posters and postcard designs. This project was a collaboration with fellow course peers; Chloe Dennis, Jaz Carr, Tod Heron and Peter Hurn.

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